Email Campaign Management The Key To Your Success

From building a solid email list to generating leads and planning your email marketing program, our email management services are the spark that will help set your ROI on fire.

Making You Money, Saving You Time

As a business owner, you’ve got a million and one things going on every day and the last thing you need on your plate is having to work out your best ESP reports to understand your program’s data, or to try and figure out why the image in that one email is upside down.

There are so many touchpoints to consider when you’re trying to craft email campaigns that will give you the profits you’re looking for and help you build a strong subscriber base. But here’s the great news – you don’t have to worry about any of it. When you’ve got the right email marketing experts on your side, managing your campaigns is a breeze. All you have to do is watch the sales roll in.

What Does Good Email Campaign Management Entail?

Essentially, email campaign management means overseeing all aspects of your email marketing program. We’re full-service over here so that means that we manage literally anything that has to do with your email campaigns. This includes helping you gain new subscribers and segmenting your lists, A/B testing, deliverability and inboxing stress tests, understanding how your audience works and what makes them tick, as well as deploying your email campaigns at the correct time. If an email marketing strategy is the blueprint, then the management of your email marketing campaign is the scaffolding that your success is built on – the backbone of all successful email marketing.

We’ve said it before – email marketing can do incredible things for your business, if you know how to get the best out of it. And once you have a kick-ass strategy in place, implementing a high-ROI email marketing program is all down to how good your email campaign management is. Here’s what it entails.

Building Your List

The number one goal of any kind of marketing is to reach as many people as possible. In email marketing, that depends heavily on the size of your list. One of the functions of email campaign management is to constantly build that list, using pop-ups on your landing page, referral campaigns and some other effective tactics we’ve got up our sleeves. Don’t get us wrong - building a list is never a destination, but an ever-evolving process.

Overseeing List Segmentation

Segmenting your email marketing campaigns is a huge part of email personalization (the kind that gets your customers clicking ‘add to cart’ on a regular basis). And once your list has grown, you’ll want to ensure that the right content is landing up in the right inboxes. Which is why email campaign managers work closely with email strategists to segment your audiences on your ESP, making it super simple to send targeted campaigns.

A/B Testing

We never make assumptions. Sure, we have a few decades of combined experience working for us, but we love A/B testing and there’s so much to learn - always. Ensuring that A/B tests for your campaigns and workflows are created and monitored regularly is an important part of email campaign management. It’s the most direct way to discover what your audience is and isn’t responding to.

Scaling Cadence

A frequent question our leads ask is how many campaigns should they send. The answer? We take it from the same pool of infinite truth we use for all of our other decisions - data. Periodically, we do a deep review of past data to understand if what’s currently being done is too little, too much or just the right amount. We then compile a couple dozen data points to help us make an educated decision. Benchmarks help too, but they should never be fully trusted.

Understanding Your Goals, And Helping You Achieve Them

An important aspect of email campaign management is understanding what you want to achieve from your email program and ensuring that every campaign send and every workflow helps you do just that. If your only aim is to engage with subscribers, your campaign managers will work side-by-side with the email strategist to ensure that every action is geared towards this.

Coordinating Your Expert Team

Every good email campaign starts with a strategy that’s turned into content which becomes a beautiful design and is then coded to make sure that all the bells are ringing and whistles are, well whistling. Email campaign managers ensure that this all happens seamlessly. They coordinate every team member, collect assets where necessary and communicate with you every step of the way. Don’t want to be that involved? No problem, we have several clients who only ever chat to us once in a blue moon, while we’re hard at work generating sales for them.

Getting The Timings Right

A big part of email campaign management is scheduling – imagine sending out your Christmas emails a day late, having an SMS campaign pop up on a customer’s phone at 3AM, or worse, sending your campaign to the wrong segments where you’ll get the same reception as any of the CodeFeranada founders at open-mic night…..crickets. That’s why our strict scheduling processes provide ample time for strategy, content, feedback and design, ensuring that every campaign is sent at the correct time on the correct day.

Testing, Testing, Testing

Once an email is finished and ready to go, the email campaign manager will test it thoroughly, checking that all links work and that the email is correctly coded without any weird bugs. A test will also be sent to you to ensure that you’re happy with the campaign before it’s deployed. This step is vital as it ensures that all email campaigns are as professional and beautiful as possible. All of this of course applies to SMS campaigns as well, minus a design/code spot-check, of course.

The Numbers That Count

Another very important function of email campaign management is reporting. To ensure this runs smoothly, email campaign managers will send all campaign and email workflow data to the strategy team, who will compile a report that’s sent to you. Discussing the in-depth campaign reports we’ll regularly present you with allows us to:

Use the results of your A/B tests to optimize future campaigns.
Determine which kinds of campaigns generate the most revenue in order to repeat them.
Discover which content your different audiences are responding to.
Find out what type of content and design is the most effective for your brand.

The Best Emails Deserve The Best Planning

Not only do we pride ourselves on our data-driven strategy, captivating content, great coding and award-winning design, we are also all about efficiency. A true full-service email marketing agency. We might be driven by passion, but we run on focused, detailed organization. Who else do you know of who has a list of all major emailable holidays for the year after next?

The truth is, you can have all the plans you want, draft a million strategies and think up thousands of email campaigns, but without the proper email campaign management to implement it all, you won’t get anywhere. Campaigns that work all begin with a solid foundation in place. So, are you ready to build that foundation and turn your brand into the household name it’s meant to be?

Don’t miss our Inbox Performance Tracking post for more insights on improving your email program.

Today’s most exciting start-ups trust us to be their email marketing specialists.